Glen Hemingson (orange) and Ricardo Lopez in front of their house on Fifth Avenue near Elderberry Park in Anchorage. "I moved to Anchorage the day before Thanksgiving in 2002. In the summer of 2001 I had ridden up here on my BMW motorcycle, and just fell for it. I had been living in Alta, Utah, a tiny ski town of 400 people, for ten years. I was looking for a more urban environment, so I moved to Alaska. I think Anchorage has more going on than just about any other city its size in the country. And plus, it’s so close to Alaska."
"People here have a wonderful live-and-let-live attitude. I ran into Frank & Nancy Murkowski a while ago at the grocery store, and said, “Hello, Governor.” He told me they’d just been to Lisa’s son’s college graduation and then asked me if I knew where the tortillas were. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen anywhere else."
"I think I’ll be here for a while, and don’t plan on moving Outside anytime soon. It’s too hot. I have a good job, a good life and a wonderful partner in Ricardo, whom I love dearly."
"I really like this town, but one thing I would wish for are more sushi restaurants. And world peace, of course."